Unofficial Election Results

The unofficial 2022 General Election results, released by the Knox County Courthouse on Tuesday evening, Nov. 8, for some of the races were as follows.

Niobrara School Board:Matt Moody, 249; Susan Bolling, 216; Kristine Flyinghawk, 174; Write-in, 7; Write-in 2
Isanti School Board:Steven J. Moose, 28; Anita LaPointe, 38; Write-in, 68; Write-in, 34; Write-in, 3
Niobrara Village Board: Alan R. Ruda, 119; Jody Stark, 109; Write-in, 3
Santee Village Board: Diane LaPointe, 37; Sherri Henry, 46; Write-in, 16; Write-in, 4
Verdel Village Board: Mary K. Eiler, 8; DeLynn Minarik, 10; Tina Motacek, 10; Write-in, 1; Write-in, 1; Write-in, 1
Congress Dist. 3: Rep Adrian Smith, 2993; Dem. David J. Else, 416; Lmn. Mark Elworth, Jr., 170; Write-in, 8. 
Governor and Lt. Governor: Rep. Pillen/Kelly, 2922; Dem. Blood/Davis,  586; Lib. Zimmerman/Blumenthal, 140; Write-in, 73
Secretary of State: Rep. Bob Evnen, 3104; Write-in, 27
State Treasurer:Rep. John Murante, 2906; Lib, Katrina Tomsen, 487; Write-in, 6
Attorney General:Rep. Mike Hilgers, 3008; Lmn Larry Bollinger, 437; Write-in, 4
Auditor of Public Accounts:Rep. Mike Foley, 2933; Lib. Gene Sladek, 260; Lmn L. Leroy Lopez, 258; Write-in, 4
Public Service Commissioner Dist. 4, Rep. Eric Kalmer, 2,980; Write-in, 1
County Assessor: Dem. Monica J. McManigal, 2830; Write-in, 69
County Attorney: Rep. John Thomas, 2,911, Write-in, 72
County Clerk: Rep. Joann M. Fischer, 3,489; Write-in, 14
Clerk of the District Court: Dem. Matt R. Fischer, 2,825; Write-in, 39
County Sheriff: Rep. Don Henery, 3,041; Write-in, 96
County Surveyor:Rep. Michael Skroch, 3,070; Write-in, 18
County Treasurer: Rep. Lori G. Ebel, 3,423; Write-in, 14
County Supervisor Dist. 1: Rep. Marty O’Connor, 489; Write-in, 14
County Supervisor Dist. 3: Rep. David Pierce, 501; Write-in, 11
County Supervisor District 5: Rep. Kevin D. Mackeprang, 514; Write-in, 5
County Supervisor District 7: Rep. Jim Borgmann, 509; Write-in, O
Legislature-District 40: Barry DeKay, 2,550; Keith Fl. Kube, 1,085; Write-in, 13
State Board of Education District 6: Sherry Jones, 1,952; Danielle Helzer, 816
Niobrara Township Board: Rick Metzler, 134; James J. Tikalsky, 135; Robert L. Olson, 142; Write-in, 5; Write-in, 1
Raymond Township Board: Frank Hanzlik, 58; Neil K. Peed, 68; Write-in, 9.
Sparta Township Board: Frank L. Skokan, 37; Robert D. Larsen, 29; Evan C. Larsen, 29.
Proposed Amendment No. 1: 
For: 2,372; Against: 861
Initiative Measure 432: For: 2,788; Against, 816
Initiative Measure 433: For, 1,704; Against: 1911
The complete election results are listed on the Knox County website at