Read about the new village playground equipment in this week's Niobrara Tribune.

Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership will hold the Creighton WIC and Immunization Clinic on Tuesday, Aug. 20 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the NENCAP Building, 808 Chase Ave., Creighton. For an appointment or more information, people can call 402-385-6300.

Niobrara Village Board has decided to table pursuing an LB840 plan, which would allow the village to increase its local sales tax .5 percent, which could be used for a local option municipal economic development plan. Read more in this week's edition.

It's back to class for Niobrara Public School students this week. Read a story about all of the excitement students will be greeted with, including the new playground, in this week's Tribune.

The paper will be late this week, likely delivered on Thursday instead of Wednesday.
Sorry for the delay!

Check out the "Back to School" ad in this week's Tribune. The administrators are predicting a school year that's so bright, we're going to need shades!

A brand new arena will be making its debut this weekend at the 30th Annual Ponca Powwow at Niobrara. Culture Director for the Ponca Tribe, Ricky Wright, tells details of the new arena and the powwow in this week's Tribune.

A Knox County Grant Workshop was held in Niobrara recently, at the Niobrara Community Hall, with representatives from USDA Rural Development, Nebraska Department of Economic Development, and the Federal Reserve. Stacy Miller, Kelly Hanvy, and Raquel Taylor registered attendees.

For a full report on Niobrara's Bridge Days/NHS Alumni Weekend, photos of events, and class photos of the alumni, see this week's Tribune. Bridge Days royalty, from the left, Taylen Stark, runner -up; King, Wade Pritchett. Queen, Starlet Nielsen.

Join the Niobrara Tribune in some Social Media fun, showcasing “Niobrara” this weekend during Niobrara’s BridgeDays/NHS Alumni Weekend.
Here are the themes:
THURSDAY: Throwback Thursday. Take a stroll down memory lane in Niobrara with Throwback Thursday. Share vintage photos, memorable moments or historical tidbits that capture Niobrara’s past. Use the hashtag #ThrowbackThursdayNiobrara for each of your posts
FRIDAY: Fun Friday: Share photos of Niobrara celebrating today-the first day of the Bridge Days/NHS Alumni Weekend. Use the hashtag #FunFridayNiobrara for each of your posts.
SATURDAY: Fun Saturday. Share photos of Niobrara celebrating the second day of the Bridge Days/NHS Alumni Weekend. Share photos of activities, and alumni activities taking place throughout the day. Use the hashtag #FunSaturdayNiobrara for each of your posts.
SUNDAY: Fun Sunday. Share photos of celebration activities, or something unexpected about Niobrara that visitors might not know. Whether it’s a fun tradition, an off-the beaten path attraction or something new. Use the hashtag #FunSundayNiobrara for each of your posts.
Click on the hashtag or type the hashtag in the Facebook search bar.

Over 60 youth from Nebraska, South Dakota and Iowa, played in the Tatanka Golf Club's Youth Classic High School and Junior High Boys and Girls Tournament on Tuesday, July 2. Read more in this week's Tribune.

The Niobrara Village Board, at its regular meeting, July 2, accepted the resignation of village trustee, Jeff Bauer, who is no longer eligible to serve on the Village Board, since he will no longer be living within the city limits. The opening has been posted.

In conjunction with the Rural Confluence program Niobrara is involved with, a grant workshop will be held in Niobrara on July 22.

The local Piece-Makers quilting group of Niobrara, donated more quilts to the Nebraska VFW Commander's special project. Read more in this week's Tribune.

A group from Uruguay toured cattle herds in the U.S. recently, and stopped in Niobrara, at Niobrara Red Angus, on Sunday, to view the Red Angus herd. Read more in this week's Tribune.

There has been a change of hands at Niobrara's Hilltop Lodge. Bob and Marilyn Janovec reflect on their years at the Hilltop Lodge; and give way to new owner, Darin Crosley. Read about it in this week's Tribune.

The artwork of NHS alum, Lori Thomas, of Lincoln, will be showcased during Niobrara's upcoming Bridge Days/Alumni Weekend. Find out details in this week's Tribune.

Flood waters devastated Lazy River Acres last weekend. For a report, see this week's Tribune.

Niobrara VFW Post 4834 Commander Don Hanzlik, was the guest speaker at the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Tree, in South Omaha. Read more in this week's Tribune.
(Tribune File Photo)

Members of the Niobrara Promoters attended a meeting of the Niobrara Community Foundation on Tuesday, June 4, to present a $5,000 check. This money was a portion of the Ladies Quarter Mania event proceeds.