The school and community learned some tips for positive school culture during the "Value-Up" presentation at school last Thursday. Mike Donahue, founder of Value-Up, met with students during the day and the community later that evening.

This week (March 10-16) is Sunshine Week, an opportunity to celebrate and promote the public's right to know and the need for government transparency.

For a recap of last Wednesday's girls' state basketball quarterfinal game with Yutan, stories, photos and more, see this week's Niobrara Tribune.

For stories, photos and a Congratulations ad, on the N/V Lady Cougars who earned a trip to state this week, pick up a copy of this week's Niobrara Tribune.

Pep Rally at school today to cheer on the N/V Lady Cougars who are headed to state.

Winning first place in the "Best Display" category at the Niobrara Promoter's Soup Cook-off Saturday night were Tony and Kim Tschirren with their "Gluten Police" theme and their White Chicken Chili. See more in this week's Tribune.

The latest class of "Leadership Knox County" graduated Monday night, with festivities held at the Sportsmen's Bar in Niobrara. The speaker informed about "Artificial Intelligence." Kelly Hanvy, Knox County Economic Development director, left, introduced Dr. Kristin Malek.

Priority suggestions for Niobrara's 2024 "Top Ten Priority List" are coming in. Read them in this week's edition. Deadline to submit priorities is: Friday, Feb. 2, 2024. All suggestions are welcome.

The Leadership Knox County graduation for the Class VII will be Monday, Jan. 22 at the Sportsmen's Bar in Niobrara. The speaker is an expert in economic development, destination image and event operations. The event is open to the public.

Niobrara and Northeast Nebraska were snow struck last week, and more snow is expected today. For a full report, read this week's edition. Photo by Tony Tschirren, NDOT

A snow storm moved in Monday, bringing the town to a stand-still on Monday and Tuesday. School was cancelled those days and the snowfall reached seven to ten inches. Another inch and a half fell Wednesday and more snow is predicted today, along with bitter cold temperatures.

Niobrara residents are asked to submit their priority suggestions for the town's 2024 Top Ten Priorities List. Ideas can be sent to: niobraratribune@yahoo.com, Box 256, Niobrara, NE 68760, or dropped off at the Tribune office.

For the 2023 Year in Review at Niobrara, pick up a copy of this week's edition, on sale at newsstands now.

A new fire truck has arrived in town and was put into service last Thursday. Read more in this week's Tribune.

A vision for Niobrara was created at a community meeting in Niobrara Monday, sponsored by the Niobrara Community Foundation. Read more in this week's edition.

The Santee Sioux Nation honored Richard "Dick" Trudell, on Oct. 26, for his induction into the 2023 National Native American Hall of Fame recently. For a full story, read this week's edition of the Niobrara Tribune.

"Why did the vampire read the newspaper? He heard it had good circulation!!"
Have a safe and Happy Halloween! From the Niobrara Tribune!

The Piece-Makers Quilt Group of Niobrara, that meets in the Lutheran Fellowship Hall every Tuesday afternoon, has donated 13 of its handmade quilts to the State Commander of the Nebraska VFW's special project.

It's Fire Safety Week. Niobrara Fire Department Assistant Chief, Alex Sternberg, offers some safety tips for fire prevention, in this week's edition.

Read about the mural project taking place at school in this week's edition of the Niobrara Tribune. The mural depicts life in Niobrara.